Transmission Gallery San Francisco
35 Bartlett St., San Francisco, CA 94110 (map)
Fridays – Sundays, 1-6 pm (viewable 24/7)
February 17 – March 26 — EXTENDED TO APRIL 9, 2023
Opening Reception: Sunday, February 19
Closing Reception: Saturday, March 25
I will present a grid of 6 Feet Apart images as a window installation at this wonderful gallery near my studio in the Mission. The installation includes a large banner and a series of smaller images on the sidewalk, outside the window display, and trailing up and down the street. In the gallery are framed and unframed prints. Also a limited edition sticker set.
There will be 2 other concurrent solo shows in the gallery: Lynn Beldner and Steve Briscoe. Next door is the work of Jerry Barrish.
The gallery writes “On the one hand they are visually compelling abstract elements, on the other, stark reminders of the anxiety and anguish that led to their ubiquitous placement around the city. While the intensity at the height of the pandemic period had a tremendous impact on our collective experience, these markers remain as evidence and yet fade into routine and unremarked elements, easily dismissed as one traverses the city, now at times bumping shoulders with passersby along the street.”
- Installation at Transmission Gallery, SF, 2023
Video preview of phase 2 (in phase 3 I added more images to the sidewalk….)
- more about 6 Feet Apart
- more about Transmission Gallery
- 3/25 Closing Reception on Facebook
- 3/23 Hangout on Facebook
Ari your work is so beautiful! Congrats!