My series 6 Feet Apart was the daily feature on Lenscratch on July 10, 2023. It was part of a series of featured projects seen at the Medium Photo Portfolio Reviews.
Aline Smithson writes:
If a future anthropologist were to go back in time to 2020 and look for clues to a world wide pandemic, the masks and gloves and hand sanitizers would be deep into landfills, but the mark making instructions of how we were to conduct ourselves, might still be present. When the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) asked us to remain 6 feet apart from other people, a new term was introduced into our vocabulary: social distancing. Beyond the Saturday Night Live pool noodle solutions, the rest of the world began to create a series of symbols that altered normal behaviors.
BTW, they have been doing daily posts for something like 17 years! It’s a huge site.
- Direct link to Instagram post